I just love when God puts me just simply in wonder of him like he has today! He is sooo amazing!! So when I found this picture I knew it just perfectly defined the picture of absolutely pure, untarnished wonder!
Just not a one sided conversation set to melodic key. What humility bore my pain and made me new again. What joy encompasses me, to set me a flame. A burning fire, an eternal flame. What beauty surrounds me, in the bleak and barren times. Like a waterfall constantly flowing on, drowning me in him and his love. What a saviour that you would find me: imperfect, hurt, hypocritical, depressed, unlovely. What a saviour that though you found me in such decay that you took me and made me new. What a love that you sustain me now.
"And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven." -Matthew 18:3-4